Thursday, June 21, 2007

The fruits of a different kind of labor. While Patrick was in California playing war the girls and I worked very hard on our garden and had enough left over dirt that we were able to plant flowers out front.

I picked one kind of flower and the girls picked the rest. I think that it all turned out quite lovely.

Here are our baby corn plants. All but 2 of our seeds have sprouted. We are very excited.

This is our whole garden. It's still a bit pitiful at the moment but I think that by July it'll be looking much more gardeny and much less dirt patchy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so domestic...I'm a bit jelly! Cute pictures, especially the family photo. It's nice to see you guys looking like you didn't come out of the pages of "Family" magazine.

Love you - Riah and not napping Camden