Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Are you ready to see some castles?  I know you are,
Waiting for this boat to start puttering down the Rhein. 

Waiting and taking self portraits that is

Pretty church

Pretty crazy

The first of many castles you will see

Someone lives in this castle,

I think if I did I'd wear giant dresses and eat turkey legs every day

castle, church, home?  Your guess is as good as mine



I love a good cemetery
told you





We were there with gobs of people, but I only managed to get pictures of two of them

I'm pretty sure that this was new and made to look old

I'll take my castle with a vineyard please

By this time we were being bored out of our minds with speakers so my pictures got a natural frame

I want my church and I want it super sized

I love the broken down old church see if you can see it since I haven't edited this photo yet

old castle, old rock, crappy window frame...perfect

ahhh! The terrifying stuffed people in the lobby of the hotel.  They were the only downside, the hotel was pretty nice

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