Friday, August 01, 2008

Patrick reminded me that I haven't updated the blog in here you go, Lundy!

Young's 2008. Sadly I'm not going to name everyone, not enough room but I think I'll hit most of them later in the blog, exceptKerry, holding Link, Mike (in the middle), Mike's son Steve (on the Right end),and Steve's son Michael (by Steve). Oh and Scott, he's the one with the kids on his shoulders.

Swinging kids.

The Tim Young's. Tyson, Sabrina, Brigid, Tim, Annabell and Titus

Scott and Karen's kids. Kaela, Samuel and Katriel.

Ready for the fishing expedition, Aurelia, Annabell, Titus and Isabel, and Gary in the back ready to drive to the hot fish spots.

Tim was the big fish winner this year.

An Annabell sandwich. The girls love to get to see each other each summer.

Lincoln and Jelly fishing.

Fishing together makes good friends, here they are again sharing a seat.
There will be more Lundy pictures soon, this is just to satisfy someone who isn't very patient! (but that I love very much)

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